openOutcomes™ is an innovative "speciality and care pathway agnostic" digital platform for clinicians and patients to collect, record and analyse patient reported outcomes (PROMs/PROs) and patient reported experience measures (PREMs). It is a highly interoperable platform built on the international openEHR standard as recognised and adopted by NHS England and other international healthcare systems. It has been co-designed by NHS clinicians, administrators, outcome managers and professional software developers to help deliver data driven patient care.
openOutcomes™ the leading open standard PROMs and PREMs digital solution
openOutcomes™ is an innovative "speciality and care pathway agnostic" digital platform for clinicians and patients to collect, record and analyse patient reported outcomes (PROMs/PROs) and patient reported experience measures (PREMs). It is a highly interoperable platform built on the international openEHR standard as recognised and adopted by NHS England and other international healthcare systems. It has been co-designed by NHS clinicians, administrators, outcome managers and professional software developers to help deliver data driven patient care.
The platform has been designed to be “speciality and care pathway agnostic” and cover PROMs in any specialty, as well as Patient Reported Experience Measures (PREMs). Due to it's patient outcome focused design, it improves patient engagement. Common outcomes in specialities such as MSK, Orthopaedics and Ophthalmology, have long been championed and questionnaires have been written as openEHR archetypes. These include:
- Upper Limb – OSS, OSIS, OES, Boston, PEM, URAM, QDash
- Hip – OHS, iHOT12, NAHS
- Spine – NDI, MDI, ODI, VAS back & leg, VAS arm & neck
- Knee – OKS, OKS (A&P), KOOS, Tegner, IKDC
- General MSK – MSK HQ
- General health – EQ-5D, Pain VAS, Barthel Index
- Cancer - EORTC QLQ C30
- Patient Satisfaction
- Ophthalmology - CAT5, GAL9, GQL15, VFQ-25
Current PROMS input methods include:
- Tablets or PC web browser entry by the patients in clinic or at home
- Web based Clinician and administrator access through a secure cloud connection
- Paper, supported by administrator input for patients who do not have access to digital
- Secure web and smartphone / tablet entry via the public internet
- The software has automatic prompts when post-operative responses are due and prompts when questionnaires have not been received.
openOutcomes™ is a digital platform capable of enabling the collection of other speciality PROMs such as ophthalmology, general surgery and cancer services. The technology upon which its built allows for any PROMs questionnaire to be incorporated into the platform due its agnostic capabilities.
Public sector organisations, such as NHS Trusts and ICS's, can easily obtain, implement and have openOutcomes™ safely supported by our accredited professional services partner Staircase13, who's full services, with transparent pricing, are available on the UK Governments gold standard procurement framework for digital services, G-Cloud 14. Non-public sector organisations such as private healthcare providers and device manufacturers can do the same, directly with the Apperta Foundation™ and Staircase13.
Our partners will ensure that your clinical data integrates robustly with your organisation workflows and PAS systems.
All users of openOutcomes™ can become members of our design community, participating in online and offline discussions to identify and prioritise the openOutcomes™ development roadmap. To learn more about membership, please email us at
openOutcomes™ is managed by the Apperta Foundation™ which protects the intellectual property of openOutcomes™ and ensures that its availability is guaranteed, without compromise for the clinical community. The Apperta Foundation™ is the custodian of openOutcomes™:
- Supporting and growing the openOutcomes™ community
- Prioritise and commission openOutcomes™ development
- As copyright and IP owner, managing the source code
- Growing the accredited professional services partner network
Continuing this development as a not for profit body is an essential part of our collaborative, public service ethos. openOutcomes™ cannot, in itself, be sold to a third party ensuring that users have security and can influence development. The openOutcomes™ community manage the design and development of future versions of openOutcomes™ in response to feedback.
Key Features
openOutcomes™ Videos
Who We Are
Apperta Foundation™ openOutcomes™ Committee
The Apperta Foundation™ openOutcomes™ Committee comprises clinicians, informaticians and academics who combine in-depth knowledge of medicine, clinical outcomes and informatics who govern the openOutcomes™ project.

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